Investissements communautaires en 2024-25
Centraide de l’Est de l’Ontario investit les ressources dont il dispose de façon intelligente et stratégique pour faire avancer les choses pour les personnes les plus vulnérables de nos communautés. Nos experts bénévoles évaluent des programmes, des partenariats et des initiatives, puis formulent leurs recommandations à ce sujet, dans le but de créer un changement durable et mesurable.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous les investissements que nous avons effectués entre le 1 juillet 2024 au 30 juin 2025. Ceux-ci ont été divisés en trois domaines ciblés qui nous permettent de réaliser notre mission, notre vision et notre promesse. Sauf indication contraire, les subventions sont déterminées par notre processus d’appel de propositions annuel.
Tous les enfants devraient avoir les compétences nécessaires pour rester sur la voie de la réussite, tant à l’école que dans la vie.
- Community-Wide Homelessness Coordination
- Alliance to End Homelessness
- $35,000.00
- BGCRC After School Programming
- BGC Renfrew County
- $20,000.00
- Big Brothers Big Sisters for Prescott and Russell
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cornwall
- $20,000.00
- Mentoring Matters in Lanark County
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lanark County
- $17,000.00
- One-to-One Youth Mentoring
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa
- $134,944.00
- Critical Hours 2024-25
- Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa
- $320,000.00
- Community House Children & Youth Programs
- Britannia Woods Community House
- $96,343.80
- School Readiness Program School's Cool
- Canadian Mothercraft of Ottawa-Carleton
- $73,000.00
- Vita Youth
- Carleton Place and District Youth Centre
- $25,000.00
- Students Will All Graduate (SWAG)
- Carlington Community Health Centre
- $47,551.00
- BOOSTER 2024
- Carlington Community Health Centre
- $36,000.00
- $75,000.00
- Building Skills, Transforming Lives
- Christie Lake Kids
- $27,000.00
- CRC Youth Programs
- Community Resource Centre Killaloe
- $25,000.00
- Skill Builders TAPP-C
- Crossroads Children's Mental Health Centre
- $28,000.00
- Maison de la famille-123, Bébé s'épanouit (nom antérieur Fiers de nos enfants)
- Groupe Action
- $7,000.00
- Youth Matters: Youth Supportive Housing
- John Howard Society of Ottawa
- $60,000.00
- Life Skills in Critical Hours
- Lanark Highlands Youth Centre
- $8,100.00
- Programme de prévention et de traitement des toxicomanies
- Le CAP FKA Maison Fraternité
- $33,980.00
- Critical Connections
- Mississippi Mills Youth Centre
- $30,000.00
- Second Stage Housing Program for Youth
- National Capital Region YMCA-YWCA
- $35,000.00
- OrKidstra: Empower Kids, Build Community – 2024-25
- OrKidstra – Sistema Ottawa
- $20,000.00
- After School Homework Club
- Osgoode Youth Association
- $15,000.00
- Ottawa Network for Education (ONFE)
- project step STEPS Coalition
- $50,000.00
- Programmes pour individus autistes
- Regroupement Autisme de Prescott-Russell
- $15,000.00
- Rideauwood Addiction and Family Services
- Rideauwood Addiction and Family Services
- $33,980.00
- Success for Children of Young Parents
- St. Mary's Home
- $65,000.00
- Mental Health and Addictions Child/Youth Services
- Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health
- $114,723.00
- Transitional Housing for Homeless Youth
- Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa
- $80,000.00
Nous assurons l’autonomie et la stabilité financières de plus de gens dans nos communautés en les aidant à avoir un domicile, un emploi ou un sentiment d’appartenance.
- Krackers Katering
- Causeway Work Centre
- $40,000.00
- Soutien pour personnes en crise financière et fiscale
- Centre d'éducation financière EBO
- $51,000.00
- Financial Literacy capacity building for Ottawa
- Centre d'éducation financière EBO
- $19,050.00
- Social Procurement Acceleration Initiative
- Centre for Social Enterprise Development
- $50,000.00
- Appui à la recherche d’emploi pour nouveaux arrivants francophones (ARENAF)
- Conseil Économique et Social d'Ottawa Carleton (CESOC)
- $20,000.00
- Developing sustainable and meaningful employment opportunities in the sewing industry for more newcomer women in Ottawa
- EcoEquitable
- $35,000.00
- Arches Supportive Employment Services
- John Howard Society of Ottawa
- $55,000.00
- Lanark County Interval House Second Stage Housing Application
- Lanark County Interval House
- $20,000.00
- The Magic Is In The Match: Helping Employers and Jobseekers with Intellectual Disabilities to Build Long Term Successful Employment Outcomes
- LiveWorkPlay
- $20,000.00
- FoodWorks & Employment for Youth With Disabilities
- Operation Come Home
- $20,000.00
- Career Access for Newcomers
- World Skills Employment centre
- $105,000.00
Nous faisons de nos communautés de meilleurs endroits où vivre pour tous en améliorant l’équité, les relations et le bien-être général des gens.
- Enabling Seniors Through Choice
- ABLE2: Support for People with Disabilities
- $55,000.00
- Bridging the Gaps
- Amethyst Women's Addiction Centre
- $20,000.00
- Community House Collective
- Britannia Woods Community House
- $24,000.00
- Basse-Ville, Notre Chez Nous: Focus Jeunesse
- Centre de ressources communautaires de la Basse-Ville
- $35,000.00
- Making Voices Count
- City for All Women Initiative (CAWI)
- $35,000.00
- Mental Health Promotion
- CMHA Champlain East / Association canadienne de santé mentale
- $25,000.00
- CRC Good Food Project
- Community Resource Centre
- $15,000.00
- 24/7 Ottawa Distress Service
- Distress Centre of Ottawa and Region
- $90,000.00
- Around the Rainbow
- Family Services Ottawa (FSO) /Family Services à la famille Ottawa
- $43,000.00
- Mental Health Counselling
- Family Services Ottawa (FSO) /Family Services à la famille Ottawa
- $135,000.00
- Outreach Attendant Care
- Groupe Action
- $10,000.00
- Grief and Bereavement Services
- Hospice Renfrew
- $22,000.00
- Subsidized Multi-Session Mental Health Supports for Ottawans
- Jewish Family Services of Ottawa
- $70,000.00
- Crisis Supports Services
- John Howard Society of Ottawa
- $48,000.00
- Union Counselling Program
- Labour Community Services
- $112,695.00
- Culture Based Counselling and Harm Reduction for Indigenous Women
- Minwaashin Lodge
- $65,000.00
- Rural Youth Mental Health Program
- Nepean Rideau Osgoode Community Resource Centre
- $50,000.00
- Supporting Individual Wellness and Basic Needs
- North Renfrew Family Services
- $25,000.00
- Addictions Support Program
- Operation Come Home
- $43,659.00
- OAC shared staff
- Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition
- $50,000.00
- Ottawa Neighbourhood Study (ONS)
- Ottawa Neighbourhood Scientific Research Solutions
- $115,000.00
- Drop-In Community Counselling
- Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre
- $50,000.00
- Supporting Parents / Caregivers of Children to age 25 with MHSUA
- Parents' Lifelines of Eastern Ontario
- $80,000.00
- Smiths Falls Therapeutic Day Program
- Perth Enrichment Program
- $11,448.00
- PMFRC Portable Community Sensory Space
- Petawawa Military Family Resource Centre
- $10,000.00
- Concentric Circles of Care
- Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre
- $70,000.00
- Recovery in Community Outreach
- Psychiatric Survivors of Ottawa
- $64,000.00
- Gifts In-Kind Program
- Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre
- $60,000.00
- The Supports for Vulnerable Rural Seniors and Caregivers Project
- Rural Ottawa South Support Services (ROSSS)
- $50,000.00
- Priorité au mieux-être des personnes âgées
- Services communautaires de Prescott et Russell
- $47,600.00
- Improving Ethno-Cultural Seniors and Caregiver Supports with Technology
- Social Planning Council of Ottawa
- $38,000.00
- Strong Neighbourhoods and Communities Through Research and Community Development
- Social Planning Council of Ottawa
- $45,000.00
- Yet Keen Seniors' Day Centre Outreach Program
- Somerset West Community Health Centre
- $23,000.00
- Black Mental Health Program
- Somerset West Community Health Centre
- $50,000.00
- Equity for Us: LeBreton
- Somerset West Community Health Centre
- $30,000.00
- Creating the Change We Want
- South East Ottawa Community Health Centre
- $75,000.00
- Tel-Aide (TAO) Soutien en situations de crise
- Tel-Aide Outaouais
- $40,000.00
- Resilience in adversity
- The Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa
- $70,000.00
- Seniors' Centre Without Walls
- The Good Companions
- $53,000.00
- The Good Companions Adult Day Program
- The Good Companions
- $45,000.00
- Building Community Resiliency - Volunteer Ottawa as a Hub for Post-COVID Capacity Building in the Greater Ottawa Area
- Volunteer Ottawa
- $70,000.00
- Perth Community Services Hub
- YAK Youth Services
- $23,000.00
- Mental Health and Addiction Counselling for Pregnant or Parenting Adolescent Mothers
- Youville Centre
- $43,659.00
Je souhaite :
aider les personnes en situation de crise.
Je souhaite :
encourager les nouveaux arrivants.
Je souhaite :
favoriser l’inclusion.
Je souhaite :
célébrer la diversité.
Je souhaite :
mettre fin à la haine et la violence.
Je souhaite :
appuyer des programmes de santé mentale.
Je souhaite :
mettre fin à l’itinérance juvénile.
Je souhaite :
pousser les personnes âgées à s’épanouir.
Je souhaite :
être ici, avec cœur.