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Dix bonnes raisons de notre reconnaissance

Lecture de 2 minutes

From Munster to Merrickville, Hawkesbury to Hurds Lake, Perth to Pembroke, and many places in between, United Way East Ontario works with communities in Prescott-Russell, Ottawa, Lanark County, and Renfrew County.  

We serve a region mixed with lively urban centres and beautiful countryside. A place where languages unite. 

Our region is built by innovators, artists, visionaries, dedicated public servants, volunteers and philanthropists, all working to make their communities great places to call home—for everyone. 

United Way gives the people of these incredible communities with an avenue to make a difference in the lives of those around them. Be it a friend looking for an after-school program for their child, a grandparent seeking a place to spend their days with friends, or a youth experiencing homelessness hoping to find employment and stable housing, there are countless opportunities to change lives with United Way—365 days a year. 

This Thank You Thursday, and every day of the year, we’re thankful for you.

Here are 10 reasons why:

  1. For your commitment to helping those whose needs may be invisible.


  2. For helping us advocate for those who don’t have a voice.


  3. For believing in the power of collective impact.


  4. For trusting United Way’s research and years of program results to know where your donations are needed most and will have the greatest impact.


  5. For making positive social change a part of your business model.


  6. For helping us maintain a breadth of supports, ensuring that people from all walks of life and all over our city have access to the help they need, when they need it.
  7. For our agency partners, who are engaged every day in helping people reach their full potential.


  8. For pledging to give monthly, ensuring the supports that thousands of people rely on are stable and accessible.


  9. For being ready to help us tackle urgent crises when they arise.


  10. For believing that change doesn’t happen with band-aid solutions, but by addressing the root cause of every issue.

Local love lives here.

Thank you for your support.

Affrontons ensemble les problèmes sociaux les plus difficiles en cette période des fêtes.

Pauvreté. Sans-abrisme. Problèmes de santé mentale. Isolement social. Ces défis peuvent sembler accablants, mais vous pouvez changer les choses en faisant un don à Centraide.

Faites-le avant le 31 décembre pour recevoir un crédit d’impôt et la TD* doublera généreusement votre contribution! 




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